Wednesday 1 November 2017

The Story So Far...

Some time ago...

After travelling to a dying, alternate Earth the Doctor met with an alternate version of himself. A version of him who had remained on Earth to try and save the planet from a dimension-hopping alien race known as the Kro'Tenk.

This version of the Doctor adopted the name Aldridge.

Before he arrived in this universe he discovered a casket. A container that held within what was believed to be the regeneration energy of the very first Time Lord. The first Gallifreyan to be granted the power of regeneration. A figure from the myths and legends of Gallifrey that had been swept under the carpet and confined to children's storybooks and fairytales.

The legends say that the First waged a war against the ancient Gallifreyan's until they found a way to remove the energy from the host body and cast the energy into the Void.

Whilst in the alternate universe, Aldridge gave the Doctor his siege-mode TARDIS which contained the casket. Aldridge had been travelling between realities when he brought it onboard his own ship.

The Doctor left it at UNIT:X HQ where his adopted brother, Reikon, and their team of scientists attempted to open the box, at the time none of them really knowing wht it was.

When the casket's power was momentarily unleashed the Doctor decided it best to remain with himself in the TARDIS. Unbeknownst to him, Reikon and head of UNIT: X, Roger Stark, removed it from Aldridge's TARDIS before the Doctor could take it in an attempt to continue investigating the strange casket.


Following her reunion with her father and mother - the Master and Celestia respectively - Lilly Galloway decided to escape her father and the Gallifreyan city of Jacarthia. After her father had virtually turned her into a prisoner and vowed to make sure she never left him again, Lilly stole an experimental timesuit and followed the Doctor, her girlfriend, Holly, and the TARDIS through the vortex.

The Master's plan - to erase Holly from time - failed and now that history has been put right the Doctor plans to deal with the Master once and for all.

But the threat of the First Time Lord is threatening to become all too real and sacrifices will have to be made.

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