Wednesday 28 December 2016

Looking Ahead to 2017

And so "Resurrection" is due to enter its third and final series/year. A few plans have changed along the way and I'm sure stories and ideas will continue to change, but here's what's coming up as we hit out final third:

The first story of 2017 will be "UNIT: X". Part of the team was introduced in "Elsewhere", but in this story we get to meet the rest of the team, which comprises of Roger Stark, Faith Crossland, Claire Taggart, Beth Brett, Alistair Benton and Oliver Osborne. As well as featuring a monster underneath the streets it also sees the progression of the story of Aldridge's siege-mode TARDIS, which Reikon has been trying to open.

Following that we have "The Haunting of Mrs. Webster". As I've
mentioned before this story is spun out of something I was told as a child and that allegedly happened to the lady who told them to me. Originally the story was going to be a direct telling of those events, but sadly the lady who it happened to passed away the other month and so the story has skewered a little more towards horror. Emily Webster and her teenage daughter, Eve, are haunted by an evil, old lady intent on causing them pain and misery. It's going to be a small piece featuring only a handful of characters and it's also going to throw in some...ahem...romance for the Doctor.

The series continues in "Dr. Who and the Men in the Moon", which features Holly and the Doctor travelling into an alternate dimension and meeting the Peter Cushing version - Dr. Who. Dr. Who has taken his friends to the moon and is preparing to make the onward journey to the Planet of Time where he hopes to become one of the legendary Time Kings, but the Moon-Men are out to stop him.

The penultimate adventure is called "The King of Jacarthia", which sees the Doctor returning to Gallifrey for an update on the Master. It will also see the final flashback to what happened before Holly arrived on the TARDIS and how Caleb died.

The final story, "Aftershock"...well, I can't tell you much about that, but all the story threads from the series will come together, which includes Lilly and Holly's relationship, the siege-mode TARDIS and the Master.

What lies beyond 2017? Well, I've always had it set in stone that the series will end with "Aftershock". I've never wavered from that as it has a clear beginning, middle and end, but that doesn't mean that the overall "Future Doctor" series is over. I have plans and I have very embryonic ideas of where to go next.

So what can I tell you? Well, there will be something in 2018. There will be some form of continuation of the "Future Doctor" series. How many stories it comprises of, how often they will be released and who will be in them, well, I just don't know yet. Writing, while enjoyable, is also very stressful knowing I have to keep ahead of the reader at all times to make sure I can upload a chapter a week.

So we may well upload less frequently as life takes over. There are other avenues I want to explore as well. I've been mulling over a few spin-off adventures, or at least spin-off specials. For example back in the "Darkpaths" days I wrote a story called "Before the Dawn", which takes place during the Dalek Invasion of Earth. I enjoyed writing for those characters and would like to further their adventures with another special story not featuring the Doctor. The characters from the forthcoming "UNIT: X" also have the potential to have their own story.

But then I also have ideas for where to go with the Doctor. These ideas buzz around my head for months - even years - and it's just about where we go with it. It has to be something different. "Resurrection" was a soft-reboot of "Darkpaths" with links being woven into the ongoing story. I'd want a new series to be very different and distinct, yet still being part of the wider "Future Doctor" universe. I have a few ideas. It just depends on whether I go traditional or do I go for something totally different.

It's all up in the air at the moment, but I'm sure the ideas will solidify as we head towards the end of 2017.


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